Healthy Bohemia in Chilli

Healthy Bohemia in Chilli


9.6. 2023
10.00 – 12.00/ 19.00 – 21.00

A kind pleasure in dancing.

A dance encounter with cocoa full of self-love, authentic expression and experience. We will feel the life-giving force flowing in our bodies and celebrate life together.

The dance of instinct and intuition is a combination of guided meditation and free space for self-expression, introspection and expressive dance.
Drawing inspiration from tribal dance, modern dance, acrobatic movement and movement healing techniques, it enables the development of inner sensitivity and emotional intelligence. We connect with the intuitive wisdom of the body and our nature, tapping into our instincts. We can gain a deeper understanding and a kind approach to our bodies so that we find pleasure, enjoyment and joy in every movement.

Ceremonial cocoa awakens the natural life force within us and helps us to fully experience emotions and feelings.

The intention of this meeting is to harmonize and accept ourselves so that we feel good in our bodies.

Bring comfortable clothes that you feel good in 🙂
Fully stocked bar with friendly service at all times ?
Have fun!

Price 500,- CZK/person

Min. capacity 10 persons

If you are interested in attending, please pay the entrance fee of 500,- to 2501430905/2010.
In the subject your name and surname, which you will then provide upon entry.

Deadline for entries is Thursday 8.6.2023 and payment of the entry fee must be made by 12:00 that day (minimum number of participants is 10 people, if the event is not filled, it will be cancelled and rescheduled for the next month, expired payments will be refunded).

There will be an open Chilli bar where you can have coffee, water, drink or even something spicy during the workshop.

Thank you and we look forward to it.

Continue to follow us on IG or FB Chilli Studio

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