Workshop - Bed Binding II

Workshop - Bed Binding II

We have prepared a workshop on: Bed Binding II

We will learn and demonstrate not only how to properly strap our counterpart to the bed, but also how to set him up and immobilize him for our lascivious appetites so that he can enjoy his powerlessness and become a fun toy for us.
Knowledge of single and double column tie is necessary for ws.

A closer look at the individual considerations:
We'll show you a directional binding, a diamond and some chest bindings that will immobilise your partner and enhance the beauty of a woman's breasts 😊.
During the workshop, keep in mind that tying and tying your counterpart is not about exaggerated technique, but about safety and above all fun.

Who is the workshop for?
Complete beginners.
Necessary equipment: 3 - 4 ropes 3 - 4 m long (to be bought on site)

Register on :

Capacity: 5 pairs.

We are looking forward to seeing new faces, but also those who have already participated in previous workshops and are ready to move on a bit.